venerdì 23 gennaio 2009

Narnia murale in Italy

“ Fairy Tale Murales”
In Italy the city of Narni are the place for send and collect the Fairy Tale Murales

Between the iEARN project , are possible many links , this is the opportunity between " Art Miles Mural" and iEARN "Narnia" projects. For this in Italy now we push for murales about Fairy Tale.
To the Fairy Tale Murales , are involved italian schools from Narni and others schools around the worlds that make disegns about Narnia's Tales on canvans 5'x12' foots about 1,52 x3,66 meters ( one foot are 0,3048 meter) .
The Art Miles Mural Project consists of twelve one mile long acrylic painted murals on canvas involving twelve distinct themes—The Multicultural Diversity Mile, The Environmental Mile, Sports, Music, Women, Senior, Celebrity, Fairy Tale, Peace, Unity and Healing, Mentor, and The Indigenous Peoples Mile. Each of these murals is twelve foot (12’) long by five foot (5’) wide. There are 440 canvasses per mile and a total of 5,280 murals will be joined together in 2010.